
This site is a collection of posts dedicated to inspiring, educating and empowering women and mothers to help themselves to a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their families. Mothers are most often the nurturing core of their families and when she is healthy, happy and whole, those traits flow over into her family. 

My name is Ali and I'm a mother of two amazing little beings. I am a labor doula, breastfeeding counselor and Certified Fitness Trainer with International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA). I'm currently pursuing Specialist in Fitness Nutrition through ISSA as well.

Through my business Fit for Motherhood, I offer personal training and women's boot camp classes. Please contact me for details or look for updates on the appropriate tab above or on FFM's Facebook (box on the right). I am currently on hiatus from doula work due to family responsibilites.

I embrace an active, healthy lifestyle for mine and my family's sake. I hope my posts will be a source of encouragement, motivation, empowerment and information for you. I post about everything from my experiences in gardening, sustainable and outdoor active living to pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. If you'd like me to tackle a topic of your interest that is within my realm, please don't hesitate to ask!